46P-ids 2001-2020: preliminary activity prediction
2012 10-14.12.2012 UT. Direct encounter with 1915-1954 trails. During the given period of time meteor activity bursts with ZHRmax of ~30 meteors is expected. Theoretical radiant: RA=357.0°, Dec=+3.6°, v=8.7 km/s. 2017 01.12.2017 4:05 UT. Direct encounter with 1927 trail. During the given day meteor activity bursts with ZHRmax of ~10-20 meteors is expected. Theoretical radiant: RA=9.7°, Dec=+7.9°, v=9.9 km/s. 2019 04.01.2019 18:08 UT. Direct encounter with 1974 trail. During the given period of time meteor activity bursts with ZHRmax of ~1-2 meteors is expected, very low brightness, in radiorange higher activity is possible. Theoretical radiant: RA=337.1°, Dec=-3.5°, v=10.2 km/s. |