June Bootids 1901-2100

As predictions show, the near-Earth comet 7P will give a high number of meteor outbursts of various intensity during the period 1901-2101. In the first half of 20 century the distance between the Earth's and comet's orbits will change from -0.08919 AU to 0.14756 AU, passing through minimal values of 0.02968 and 0.02793. The shower will be most frequent in the first three decades of this period. The most strong outburst - to 150 meteors on ZHR scale will occur in 1916, sufficient activity up to 20-30 meteors on ZHR scale is predicted for the years 1902, 1916, 1917, 1926, 1927, 1936 and 1942. We also expect some years with weak activity (ZHR not higher than 10 meteors), it will occur in the years 1906, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1913, 1921, 1925 and 1950.
In the second half of 20 century the orbit of comet 7P will stabilize at 0.20-0.25 AU outside the Earth's orbit. The number of meteor outburst will significantly decrease, though still remaining notable. The most outstanding will be a strong activity outbutst up to 700 meteors on ZHR scale in 1998, it will be produced by a channel of trails ejected in 19 century. Another two outburst with ZHR about 10-15 meteors will occur in the years 1961 and 1986. Very weak activity is also possible in the years 1955 and 1992.
In the first half of 21 century the orbit of comet 7p will again come close to the Earth's one, passing inside it. The most low distance between the orbits will be around perihelion in 2039 and 2045 - -0.034 and -0.037 AU, respectively. This will lead to increase of June Bootids activity - in 2045 we expect a very strong outburst, which we call "storm of slow fireballs", ZHR will possibly reach 5000-7000 meteors. Also, in 2004 a notable activity, up to 20-25 meteors on ZHR scale, will be produced by already mentioned cloud of 19 century trails. The last weak enhancement caused by this cloud, is possible in 2010, but with ZHR not higher than 5 meteors. Also, in 2039 activity on the level of separate meteors in possible.
Finally, in the second half of 21 century the orbit of comet 7p will again stabilize, but this time on considerable distance inside the Earth's orbit, from -0.146 to -0.171 AU. In the whole this situation will be quite favorable for shower activity - in this period June Bootids activity will occur around each perihelion of the comet 7p. However we don't expect especially strong outbursts. The most strong activity, up to 150 meteors on ZHR scale, is to happen in 2063. Also considrable outburst is expected in 2093 - up to 80 meteors on ZHR scale. Weaker activity, not higher than 10-15 meteors on ZHR scale is expected in 2051, 2081 and 2095. Separate meteors, with ZHR not higher than 3 meteors, should appear in 2057, 2068, 2075 and 2087.