Leonids 2041-2050

encounters with trails
trailyearrD-rEVejfM(fMD)sol.long.Max. timeZHRexReliability
2711350.002479.200.017236.93519.11.2041 11:4710
traditional maximum
sol.long.Max. timeZHRexIntensity
234.95117.11.2041 12:34151

In 2041 a moderate traditional maximum is expected. At 13 UT 17 November activity will reach about 15 meteors on ZHR scale. No other outbursts are found.

encounters with trails
trailyearrD-rEVejfM(fMD)sol.long.Max. timeZHRexReliability
191400-0.0064111.700.109235.49618.11.2042 7:4211
1914000.0004512.76-0.009235.76318.11.2042 14:0441
191400-0.0004312.770.002235.76518.11.2042 14:0711
2711350.003139.310.046236.16118.11.2042 23:3210
2711350.002639.26-0.032236.16918.11.2042 23:4410
2711350.002039.240.020236.18119.11.2042 0:0010
traditional maximum
sol.long.Max. timeZHRexIntensity
234.95117.11.2042 18:4310-151

In 2042 a quite weak traditional maximum is expected. At 19 UT 17 November activity will reach about 10-15 meteors on ZHR scale. No other significant outbursts are found.

encounters with trails
trailyearrD-rEVejfM(fMD)sol.long.Max. timeZHRexReliability
181433-0.0003111.240.002235.58618.11.2043 16:0011
181433-0.0001911.24-0.001235.59218.11.2043 16:0911
151533-0.0001212.830.002235.73118.11.2043 19:2712
191400-0.0000414.84-0.009236.22019.11.2043 7:0631
191400-0.0009815.24-0.080236.66419.11.2043 17:40201
191400-0.0010815.260.056236.69119.11.2043 18:18131
191400-0.0010715.26-0.084236.70019.11.2043 18:31191
191400-0.0010515.270.003236.71119.11.2043 18:4711
211333-0.0004117.69-0.003237.06920.11.2043 3:1811
319320.0009289.350.146237.50920.11.2043 13:4524
traditional maximum
sol.long.Max. timeZHRexIntensity
234.95118.11.2043 0:53253

In 2043 a strong backgound maximum is expected. At 1 UT 18 November activity will rise to 25 meteors on ZHR scale. Also, at 18 UT 19 November an enhancement from 1400 trail is likely. Activity will reach 50-60 meteors on ZHR scale, a number of submaximas is possible. Meteor brigtness will be a little lower than average level. Then at 13:45 UT 20 November 1932 trail can give a significant radiooutburst.

encounters with trails
trailyearrD-rEVejfM(fMD)sol.long.Max. timeZHRexReliability
31932-0.0004392.910.198237.37519.11.2044 16:4334
traditional maximum
sol.long.Max. timeZHRexIntensity
234.95117.11.2044 7:02151

In 2044 a moderate background maximum is expected. At 7 UT 17 November activity will reach about 15 meteors on ZHR scale. Also, at 16:43 UT 19 November 1932 trail can give a significant radiooutburst.

encounters with trails
trailyearrD-rEVejfM(fMD)sol.long.Max. timeZHRexReliability
261201-0.00035-9.060.011236.84719.11.2045 10:1830
261201-0.00016-9.270.022237.04319.11.2045 14:5860
2612010.00005-9.57-0.012237.24219.11.2045 19:4230
261201-0.00032-9.500.018237.24319.11.2045 19:4440
191400-0.0041515.730.025238.74621.11.2045 7:2811
traditional maximum
sol.long.Max. timeZHRexIntensity
234.95117.11.2045 13:11202

In 2045 a quite strong traditional maximum is expected. At 13 UT 17 November activity will reach about 20 meteors on ZHR scale. No other significant outbursts are found.

encounters with trails
trailyearrD-rEVejfM(fMD)sol.long.Max. timeZHRexReliability
1614990.0011413.50-0.004239.54622.11.2046 8:3812
1614990.0006413.58-0.002239.72322.11.2046 12:5012
1614990.0001813.70-0.003240.09022.11.2046 21:3422
1614990.0005612.620.001240.12822.11.2046 22:2812
traditional maximum
sol.long.Max. timeZHRexIntensity
234.95117.11.2046 19:2015-202

In 2046 a quite strong traditional maximum is expected. At 19 UT 17 November activity will reach about 15-20 meteors on ZHR scale. No other significant outbursts are found.

encounters with trails
trailyearrD-rEVejfM(fMD)sol.long.Max. timeZHRexReliability
141567-0.0001114.210.001238.71521.11.2047 19:0212
traditional maximum
sol.long.Max. timeZHRexIntensity
234.95118.11.2047 1:30101

In 2047 a weak traditional maximum is expected. At 2 UT 18 November activity will reach about 10 meteors on ZHR scale. No other significant outbursts are found.

encounters with trails
trailyearrD-rEVejfM(fMD)sol.long.Max. timeZHRexReliability
171499-0.00094-17.74-0.010236.91319.11.2048 6:2132
171499-0.00222-18.02-0.007236.92219.11.2048 6:3412
traditional maximum
sol.long.Max. timeZHRexIntensity
234.95117.11.2048 7:3910-151

In 2048 a moderate traditional maximum is expected. At 8 UT 17 November activity will reach about 10-15 meteors on ZHR scale. No other significant outbursts are found.

encounters with trails
trailyearrD-rEVejfM(fMD)sol.long.Max. timeZHRexReliability
not found
traditional maximum
sol.long.Max. timeZHRexIntensity
234.95117.11.2049 13:495-100

In 2049 a very weak traditional maximum is expected. At 14 UT 17 November activity will reach about 5-10 meteors on ZHR scale. No other significant outbursts are found.

encounters with trails
trailyearrD-rEVejfM(fMD)sol.long.Max. timeZHRexReliability
251234-0.00321-7.63-0.088235.08917.11.2050 23:1520
251234-0.00387-7.87-0.088235.21118.11.2050 2:0910
251234-0.00224-6.90-0.049235.21718.11.2050 2:1720
251234-0.00056-6.370.175235.43618.11.2050 7:31460
231300-0.00217-7.930.025235.83918.11.2050 17:0610
traditional maximum
sol.long.Max. timeZHRexIntensity
234.95117.11.2048 19:5710-151

In 2050 a quite weak traditional maximum is expected. At 20 UT 17 Novewmber activity will reach about 10-15 meteors on ZHR scale. Also, at 8 UT 18 November an outburst from 1234 trail is possible. Activity will rise to 15-20 meteors on ZHR scale, brigntness will be much higher than average level.