P\2006 T1 Levy-ids 2001-2020: preliminary activity prediction

The table below lists the cases of possible meteor activity from the stream of the comet P\2006 T1 for the period of 2001-2020. The computations based on the orbital elements from the single comet apparition, so their reliability is not very high, as well as reliability of resulting predictions. Estimations of expected ZHR are on optimistic side, as they show on the possibity of new meteor shower action, so far as I suppose even an infomation about low chances of its activity could be a good reason to watch for observers.
predicted activity cases
yeardate, timeZHRexcomments
200131.12.2001 10:433-5very low meteor brightness
200631.12.2007 16:543-5low meteor brightness

31.12.2001 10:43 UT. Direct encounter with 1985 trail. During the given period of time meteor activity with ZHRmax of 3-5 meteors is expected, very low brightness, in radiorange higher activity is likely. Theoretical radiant: RA=328.7°, Dec=+56.4°, v=14.0 km/s.

31.12.2007 16:54 UT. Direct encounter with 1975 trail. During the given period of time meteor activity with ZHRmax of 3-5 meteors is expected, low brightness. Theoretical radiant: RA=328.7°, Dec=+56.6°, v=13.9 km/s.