Draconids 2016: prediction of activity
to the list of predictions

Fig. 1. Space-temporal projection of Draconids trails parts onto their minimal distance passages in 2016 (correspondence between colours of the particles and their ejection velocities can be seen here).

Activity is not expected.


1. "Comet's dust 2.0" program by S. Shanov and S. Dubrovsky. [Used for orbital computations.]
2. Lyytinen E, van Flandern T. "Predicting the strength of Leonid outbursts", 2000, Icarus, P. 158-160.
3. Jenniskens P. Meteor showers and their parent comets, 2006, 780 p. 4. Kasuo Kinoshita, http://jcometobs.web.fc2.com/ [Orbital elements of the comet 21P Giacobini-Zinner]